Tips For Better Indoor Air Quality

The composition of the air, which is a mixture of various gases, is of great importance for our health and quality of life. Its composition and purity are important. The concentration of pollutants is much higher indoors than outdoors. With each breath, all pollutants in the air also reach our lungs. What kind of air should we breathe in order to be healthy and what is the cause of poor air quality at home – it is worth knowing to effectively protect ourselves.

Indoor Air Quality

Optimum Air Quality For Humans

The composition of the atmosphere has evolved over millions of years to reach today’s level, which is mainly nitrogen (78.084%) and oxygen (20.946%). In addition, this mixture includes argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen and xenon, as well as water vapour, the content of which depends on the location. Such air is said to be clean. 

In practice, however, we are dealing with additional anthropogenic admixtures, such as nitrous oxide, ozone or sulfur dioxide, dust, soot or various types of microorganisms and plant embryos, which make the air even harmful to humans. The problem grows with the size of the city and during the heating season. 

We often say that post-storm air is ideal. Then we breathe easier, nature develops to live, and we feel light and comfortable. It is influenced by air ionization. The best balance in terms of saturation with positive and negative ions is observed at the seaside and in forest areas. 

The optimal air ionization is about 1000 pieces per 1 cm 3 or with a slight predominance of negative ions. Today, however, in our environment, we most often deal with the predominance of positive ions, the source of which is electrical and heating devices (the so-called electrostatic smog). This condition is conducive to many diseases. 

80% Of Life Indoors

Every adult spends more than half of their life indoors. The elderly, the sick and infants spend even more time at home. This situation exposes each organism to various types of dysfunction. These are mainly diseases called civilization, which include cancer and allergies.

How To Take Care Of Healthy Air

fresh air

One thing is certain – we must breathe, always and everywhere. So if we have the ability to influence the air quality at home, it is worth taking care of them. Contaminated, medium-quality and dusty air will have an impact on our health. This is the effect of civilization development and we cannot stop or reverse it, but we can make every effort to improve the quality of what we breathe, especially in our own enclave, which is a home for everyone.

Home Methods Of Air Purification for Air Quality

The air quality has been taken care of for a long time, using disinfecting herbs and airing the apartment. The old method says that you should choose the morning for airing. Because at this part of the day dust and dirt do not rise high above the ground. Aromatic oils such as, for example, tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, juniper, rosemary, have a disinfecting effect and are recommended to be used at home even after the common flu or other viral infection. They have the best properties during combustion. Green plants will also be allies in providing the right amount of oxygen at home.

aromatic oil

Home Air Purification Technologies

In addition to the old methods, we also have access to a number of modern solutions. Based on modern technology that fights air pollution and improves its quality. These are mainly all kinds of air purifiers, humidifiers and dehumidifiers. 

Contact us for more details! Members of our customer care team are always ready to assist customers in achieving complete customer satisfaction!

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